Upgrade and enhance policies, work flow and structure of MIIC and develop HR system

  • Egypt
Duration of assignment

8 months

Year: 2019 - 2020

  • African Development Bank
  • Ministry of Investment & International Cooperation MIIC BCIS Project
Description of project

The purpose of this contract for Technical Assistance is to assist the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation (MIIC) in Egypt to enhance its organizational structure with the necessary policies, procedures, and work flow in order to play its role effectively in ODA management and investment promotion. This will be in line with the new economic orientation of the country and Egypt’s 2030 Vision where sustainable growth is at the forefront of the agenda, and hence solid institutional framework will be required to achieve the new vision.

Services provided

The technical assistance strengthened MIIC's newly developed organizational structure and improved its efficiency and effectiveness in planning, managing, monitoring, and evaluating ODA. It also fostered an operational framework aligned with the Ministry's investment promotion mandate. This included designing and developing associated policies and workflows, as well as equipping the organization with the necessary tools for knowledge development, management, and dissemination.

The consultant was expected to perform the following tasks:- Developing the Organizational policies, procedures, and work flow associated with the new organizational structure.

- Enhancing the Donor-Funded Project Cycle Management system.

- Guiding the Project Strategy for Tangible Impact.

- Ensuring Effective and Sustainable Operations.

- Planning for long-term sustainable capacity development to ensure that the project contributes to the empowerment and self-reliance of stakeholders.

- Designing a new Human Resources system.

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