
News 23 May, 2024
Our team of consultants visited Lusaka and delivered the first training as part of the consulting assignment signed with the World Bank.
News 14 May, 2024
Aninver Development Partners successfully delivered the final presentation of their project “Assessment of Domestic Road Construction Industry” in Maputo, Mozambique, on May 2, 2024.
News 28 April, 2024
Aninver and Ideanto make progress in TVET communications assignment in Antigua & Barbuda.
News 25 April, 2024
Aninver Development Partners reinforces its presence in Latin America with a new contract with the Inter American Development Bank to help the Government of Bolivia in the elderly care sector.
News 12 April, 2024
We are very excited to announce that our company Aninver Development Partners has signed a contract with the World Bank to support the Republic of Zambia in its endeavors to expand the role of the private sector in infrastructure development.
News 07 December, 2023
Aninver Development Partners has signed a new contract with the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development - ISFD, the poverty alleviation arm of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), for the Feasibility Study for a new ISFD WAQF Project.
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