Promoting Investment and Competitiveness in the Tourism Sector Project

  • Malawi
Duration of assignment

5 months

Year: 2019

  • African Development Bank
Description of project

Development of a clear Ecotourism Strategy for Malawi. The strategy provided direction for product development and diversification, infrastructure development, manpower development, community participation, conservation of nature and preservation of cultural heritage as well as marketing and promotion strategies for Ecotourism.

Aninver Development Partners is a consulting company with great experience in Africa, especially in the filed of tourism. We are your consultants in Malawi if needed for any project.

Services provided

- Conduct a situation analysis of ecotourism in Malawi and its competition elsewhere;

- Conduct a review of existing tourism plans, reports and studies in relation to ecotourism;

- Conduct an assessment of the existing ecotourism products and select the most promising tourism development products based on preliminary resource assessment and consultation with key stakeholders;

- Develop ecotourism development guidelines for investment in general, and protected areas and areas of outstanding natural beauty in particular;

- Assess and map each product with a framework that includes resource, market, economic and social criteria;

- Develop an Ecotourism Strategy with a clear vision and proposed (short, medium and long-term) action plans in the areas of product development, community participation, marketing and promotion as well as legal and institutional framework;

- Design collateral materials for ecotourism promotion.


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