Market report on the African private sector trends and opportunities for the AfDB

  • Ivory Coast
Duration of assignment

4 months

Year: 2019 - 2020

  • African Development Bank
Description of project

The objective of this assignment was to prepare a strategy for:

(a) Optimizing the use of the Bank’s existing, new or revised NSO financial products (or resources) to increase NSO growth on a sectoral, regional, and stakeholder basis;
(b) Sustaining the Bank’s NSO growth momentum within RMCs through effective portfolio diversification in the areas of geography, sector, stakeholders, and financial products. This activity assessed key supply and demand risk factors that shaped NSO delivery capacity and mitigated the impact of portfolio (sector, geography, and stakeholder) volatility.
(c) Increasing the Bank’s NSO growth and relevance within RMCs located in difficult operating environments (Transition countries, Low-Income Countries, Small Island economies, Central Africa) through effective portfolio interventions in the areas of geography, sector, and financial products.

Services provided

- Conduct a diagnosis of current NSO financial products, business development and client relationship management practices based on the information collected through PINS.

- Prepare the strategy for enhanced and effective commercial use of these solutions (NSO financial products, business development and client relationship management practices) on NSO projects. This approach should be client-centric, aligned to the Bank's priorities and put Private Sector clients' requirements/expectations at its core;

- Make recommendations on key sectors, regions and business partners to target, with specific recommendations on marketing issues for selected/priority sectors, regions or types of clients and partners;

- Assess and make recommendations on key supply and demand risk factors which shape NSO delivery capacity and mitigate the impact of portfolio (sector, geography, stakeholder) volatility;

- Assess and make recommendations for increasing the Bank's NSO footprint in Transition countries, Low-Income Countries and Central Africa ;

- Assess and make recommendations on the Bank's NSO ecosystem capacity and/or needs with a view to accelerating/improving institutional delivery capacity.

- Assess key trends in private sector development in the sectors of operation of AfDB in Africa, and also which type of opportunities exist in each sector and considering the different NSO products.

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