Improving Transparency and Accountability in Public-Private Partnerships in Afghanistan

  • Afghanistan
Duration of assignment

3 months

Year: 2020

  • World Bank
Description of project

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) planned to leverage private investment, supplementing public and donor resources, to achieve its development priorities. Developing solid PPP fundamentals was a key step towards achieving this and attracting private sector interests through PPP projects. To this effect, GoIRA intended to strengthen the transparency and accountability framework for PPPs as it constituted a key factor in mobilizing private capital for investment in infrastructure and increasing public confidence in PPP projects. A full and transparent disclosure of information could help PPP programs achieve desired value-for-money and better outcomes. In addition, the disclosure of PPP data aligned closely with GoIRA's communication and awareness-building campaign to increase buy-in and understanding of the PPP program within the Government, private sector, and other stakeholders.

Services provided

• Assessed the existing data on PPP, the technology infrastructure used, and its technical adequacy for the disclosure of PPP information.
• Customized an information management system for GoIRA, which included structured landing pages and webpages for the disclosure of PPP information based on the Framework for disclosure of information, as well as the existing source codes and documentation.
• Worked with the World Bank and CPA team to embed and implement the disclosure framework as related to IT, web, and information display aspects; helped in the customization of landing pages, entry of information, links to documents for each active project as they entered the formal pipeline.
• Linked the portal to the existing project databases and websites for disclosure.
• Trained stakeholders on the use of the portal.
• Developed user manuals for clients.

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