Assessment of Digital Receivables Financing (DRF) In Côte d'ivoire

  • Ivory Coast
Duration of assignment

4 months

Year: 2023

  • World Bank
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Description of project

The objective of the upstream initiative is to assess how IFC can target investments in digital receivables financing
models in Cote d’Ivoire, primarily seeking to identify new or potential digital DRF platforms that reach SMEs with
quality receivables.

To do so, the initiative will seek to answer the following questions:

• What global, regional, and country-specific digital SCF platforms operate in Cote d’Ivoire, and are they
interested in partnering with IFC.
• In Cote d’Ivoire, is the existing digital infrastructure appropriate and sufficient for digital SCF platforms, and
is there a scaling path for these platforms.
• What are the medium-term funding needs of these digital SCF platforms, and what are the possible funding
paths and investment opportunities.

Services provided

• Assess the current state of the DRF ecosystem, existing constraints/challenges, and conditions required to
enable the operations/scalability of DRF business models (including regulatory, infrastructure, digitization,
and bankable demand).
• Identify 3 major sectors (with high-potential value chains, the status of digital invoicing by corporates anchors,
volume and value of transactions, and export potential) that DRF platforms operate in.
• Map out stakeholders, businesses, and financing models including a list of corporate anchors, partners,
institutional investors, fund managers, and tax and credit insurance that show interest in the DRF model
detailing areas of interest and potential for collaboration/partnership with IFC.
• Identify areas across the DRF model where there can be a collaboration between the SCF products of
traditional banks, NBFIs, factoring companies, and DRF platforms.
• Assess the current enabling infrastructure (e.g., online collateral registry, favorable asset-based lending laws,
and e-invoicing as a common practice among corporates and SMEs) of the DRF ecosystem and identify
opportunities for its further development
• Comment on the legal and regulatory impediments that are hindering the scaling and development of DRF
• Analyze four case studies of DRF models, projects, or initiatives in developed countries (by global players
and other developmental finance organizations) and identify best practices/learnings from these models/
• Schedule a meeting with industry stakeholders and the IFC team and prepare discussion questions.


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